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Event Day #1, Thursday


The Documentation Team has been working on automate taking screenshots of the TYPO3 Backend. The screenshots can be used not only for the official TYPO3 Documentation but also for the documentation of…

20.05.2021 16:45 - 17:25 Stream
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge

The city of Pforzheim is using TYPO3 since version 4.1. Over the course of 11 years, the web sites have been using six different TYPO3 versions and three designs. For the upgrade from TYPO3 version 8…

20.05.2021 16:00 - 16:40 Stream
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge

Containers are all the rage these days. They’re fast, they make deployment easy, they handle dependencies, they slice, they dice, they make julienne fries! But... what are they? What exactly is a…

20.05.2021 18:15 - 18:55 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

Universal Acceptance (UA) ensures that all domain names and email addresses can be used by all Internet-enabled applications, devices and systems. It is essential for the continued expansion of the…

20.05.2021 17:30 - 18:10 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

Event Day #2, Wednesday


The backlog is one of the most powerful tools for Product Owners to plan and manage their products. A good backlog is the key for successful projects. But how do we create such a backlog for TYPO3…

30.06.2021 17:30 - 18:10 Stream
Tutorial Advanced / Basic knowledge

Starting with TYPO3 v11LTS we are promoting verified extensions & integrations. In this talk you will learn about the idea of a verified ecosystem and what are the requirements to join the program.

30.06.2021 16:45 - 17:25 Stream
Talk Pro / Detailed

In the course of time our awareness and understanding of web security vulnerabilties has improved - but at the same time, potential attack scenarios got more complex - due to new technologies and…

30.06.2021 18:15 - 18:55 Stream
Tutorial Advanced / Basic knowledge

You should care a lot about TYPO3 Editors. The most important ones are your own customers! In this track we will cover:

  • How you can quickly create customized TYPO3 learning paths for customers
  • Why…
30.06.2021 16:00 - 16:40 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

Event Day #3, Wednesday


Heather McNamee, Felicity Brand, and Jeffrey A. McGuire have done something incredible: They have channeled the collective experience of dozens of developers and contributors from the TYPO3 project…

28.07.2021 17:30 - 18:10 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview
  • Introduction (What is headless) / Architectural overview
    Different JS frontend components for default TYPO3 content elements (angular, react, vue.js)
    Overview of new capabilities/features of TYPO3…
28.07.2021 16:00 - 16:40 Stream
Talk Pro / Detailed

Root360 Cloud Architect Timo Himstedt will give a technical overview on hosting TYPO3 in the AWS Cloud: Why should you host TYPO3 in the AWS Cloud? How can you migrate your TYPO3 to AWS? What…

28.07.2021 16:45 - 17:25 Stream
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge

TYPO3 has its power, but also its quirks for editors. There are many small details you've known your workarounds for years, and TYPO3 v11 will solve this for you and your editor fellows to make your…

28.07.2021 18:15 - 18:55 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

Event Day #4, Thursday


Style checking, type checking, linting, unit tests, functional tests, CI, GitHub Actions … oh my. You want alle the automated help you can get for keeping your extension stable and maintainable, but…

26.08.2021 17:30 - 18:10 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

You probably heard of commercial SaaS solutions for Marketing Automation, like Hubspot, Marketo etc.

Mautic is the Open Source alternative, and successful all around the world. It not only enables…

26.08.2021 16:00 - 16:40 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

In the last session of this T3OD21 event day, we introduce you a very inspiring project:
BabesGotBytes” from Cape Town, South Africa. In the world video premiere about this project we get an insight…

26.08.2021 18:15 - 18:55 Stream

When walking around a city, we’re used to ramps and audible crosswalk signals. These help people living with disability, but we all make use of them. The same is true online. Your website may…

26.08.2021 16:45 - 17:25 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

Event Day #5, Thursday


How to build a website with TYPO3 in 2021 - basic setup, new features in v11, infrastructure, site package & more

30.09.2021 16:00 - 16:40 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

In the age of content explosion and omnichannel presence, marketing departments face major challenges in organizing processes. There is now a consensus that the single-source principle for content is…

30.09.2021 16:45 - 17:25 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

Open source means taking control over your business-critical software, but where does your company and you as an individual belong in an open source community? What is contribution and community…

30.09.2021 18:15 - 18:55 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

What are the disadvantages of a slow Website and what can you do to boost your TYPO3 Website? I will give you some easy to expert tips to conceive and develope a fast website.

30.09.2021 17:30 - 18:10 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

Event Day #7, TYPO3 Product Day, Thursday


At the end of the TYPO3 Onlinedays 2021, we take a look into the future. Benni Mack - Core Team Lead - and Volker Graubaum - CPO TYPO3 - present their plans for TYPO3 version 12.
While Benni will…

28.10.2021 17:45 - 18:30 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

Speed and quality are top priorities for your clients. They can't afford to be slowed down by security issues, complicated editing systems, or limited features. TYPO3's agency-friendly ecosystem comes…

28.10.2021 16:15 - 16:55 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

The technology choices you make now have even larger ramifications for the future. As a decision-maker for your organization, you need to choose a CMS that can scale with your needs in the long term.

28.10.2021 14:00 - 14:40 Stream

As developers, we are looking for a system that supports us no matter the task or our skill level. 
Follow us on a journey looking at how TYPO3 supports you as a developer at every stage, how it eases…

28.10.2021 17:00 - 17:40 Stream
Talk Advanced / Basic knowledge

Whether your content team is just you or hundreds of people, you need tools to take content from draft to professional quality. TYPO3 supports editors in their daily activities and includes clear-cut…

28.10.2021 15:30 - 16:10 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

The ever growing market of MarTech tools is the reason why marketers nowadays are in desperate need of a CMS that is both: stable enough to withstand change and flexible enough to meet all of their…

28.10.2021 14:45 - 15:25 Stream
Talk Starter / Overview

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